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Summer skincare solutions

How to achieve glowing, radiant skin this summer

Give yourself a glow-up this summer by treating your skin to some natural TLC. Here are our top expert tips.

Opt for natural skincare products

"For radiant and glowing summer skin, your skincare routine should use natural products that have minimal ingredients," says Marc Flanagan, Product Trainer at Heritage Store and Solaray. "Look for plant-based ingredients that are hydrating, such as glycerol which traps water in the upper layer of the skin, making it youthful and dewy. High quality natural oils such as rose are also an excellent choice as they soothe and soften the skin and provide a glowing complexion. Water will always feature in any good skincare product as it helps to deliver ingredients into the skin, and when mixed with natural oils, forms an emulsion that helps to trap in the water.

Hexane-free castor oil is another natural and clean single-ingredient product that is brilliant for protecting and hydrating the skin, providing long-lasting moisture – it's great for shiny hair, brows and lashes too!

It's also important to watch out for ingredients that aren't great for your skin. Phthalates, sulphates, and parabens extend the shelf life of many beauty products, but they take much-needed moisture away from the skin, making it weak and dry.

You can also complement a healthy, balanced diet with supplements that boost skin health. For example, vitamin C helps collagen formation, which helps to preserve the skin's elasticity. High-potency biotin can help promote healthier skin, as well as fuller and shinier hair and stronger nails too."

Take time to exfoliate

"A mixture of sweat, suncream and environmental pollutants can build up on your skin, leading to clogged pores and breakouts," says Christina Garven, head trainer with GAIA Skincare ( "Cleansing your skin morning and night with a gentle cleanser and balancing with a light toner will remove impurities without stripping away essential oils. Including a gentle exfoliator into your weekly routine is also key for removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover, revealing smoother, more radiant skin."

Eat skin-healthy foods

"Healthy fats are one of the best food types you can eat if you want to glow," says Margo Marrone, co-founder of The Organic Pharmacy ( "They can be found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, or anchovies, in nuts and seeds, and in avocados. These foods are also great sources of vitamin E which is an anti-inflammatory that can reduce redness and swelling."

Margo adds: "Eating fruits and vegetables can be good for glowing skin. Among the best to look out for are those rich in beta-carotene (such as sweet potato and leafy greens) and vitamin C (found in peppers, tomatoes, sprouts, oranges, and kiwi). Beta carotene can help skin cells to reproduce, combating dullness, while vitamin C brightens the skin."

Increase your water intake

"Water helps your body to flush out toxins more efficiently, leaving your skin looking fresh and more radiant," says Mildred Nyota Faray, beauty expert from 10outof10 ( "Drink lots of still, pure water to help your body function smoothly: at least six to eight glasses every day, though you might need more during hot weather and on days you exercise. If you sweat a lot during heavy exercise, you need to make up for all that water you have lost by drinking. Your kidneys make sure that if you drink too much, you lose water as urine."

Protect your skin from the sun

"We should all be wearing Sun Protection Factor (SPF) every day, whatever the weather," says Mildred Nyota Faray. "This is because UV (ultraviolet) radiation is present every day. Therefore we have to avoid getting caught out with sunburn. Use shade, light clothing and a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to protect yourself. SPF30 sunscreen admits one-thirtieth of the ambient UV radiation. Apply sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before going outdoors and allow the product to dry. Reapply sunscreen often, especially if you're sweating or swimming. Be mindful that the sun is the strongest between 10am and 3pm. Over-exposure to the sun can cause serious damage to your skin, from premature ageing to different forms of skin cancer, therefore avoid these times, if you can."

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