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Independent health store advice on reducing plastic usage

Looking for advice on natural health and wellbeing? Your local independent health store can offer a wealth of expertise. This month we talk to Sarah Maloy, the founder and owner of Shop Zero in Nottingham

In today's world, plastic is absolutely everywhere, infiltrating our environment and even our bodies. Microplastics have been found in human tissues, including testes, breast milk and the placenta, which is extremely concerning. So anything that we can do to reduce our plastic consumption is vitally important. Plastics, especially single-use varieties, pose a huge environmental challenge. Despite efforts to recycle, only a small fraction of plastic waste is repurposed. Most of it ends up in landfills, rivers, oceans, or degrades into microplastics, which can have dire consequences for wildlife and human health. The key is to reduce our reliance on plastic from the outset.

Simple steps

I always advise our customers to take a look at their daily habits to identify the ways in which they can reduce plastic use. A simple step is to buy a reusable water bottle. Many places now offer free water refills. World Refill Day takes place this year on 16 June and there is a free app that you can download to find places to eat, drink and shop with less waste.

Reusable coffee cups are another thing that I recommend, for anyone who loves their takeaway coffee. This helps to reduce the waste generated by disposable cups. Also, try to support independent coffee shops if you can as that's another bonus.

If you take lunch into work, it's worth investing in a lunchbox and your own cutlery as this again reduces the need for disposable options. Another simple tip is to always carry reusable shopping bags. This avoids the need for plastic bags, which often end up polluting natural environments.

Find a local refill shop like Shop Zero, where you can fill containers that you already own with things like unpackaged foods, personal care products and cleaning liquids. Not only does this help to reduce plastic waste but it also supports local businesses.

Quick swaps

Some quick swaps that can be made at home include replacing plastic dish brushes with ones made from biodegradable materials and swapping plastic sponges for compostable ones made from cellulose. Look for natural alternatives to clingfilm such as beeswax wraps, and consider having your milk delivered in reusable glass bottles. Start off with small changes and then build these into your existing routines. This is known as habit stacking. Introduce changes gradually. Start by refilling one type of product, like shampoo, and then add more items as you get used to the process. Follow social media accounts and blogs that are focused on sustainable living. They can provide helpful tips and motivation to keep you inspired. Hopefully these tips have motivated you to reduce your plastic consumption. Just a few simple steps can help to make a big impact.

Shop Zero

Shop Zero is based at 42 Friar Lane, Nottingham, NG1 6DQ, owned by Sarah Maloy. Customers can buy whole foods and store cupboard essentials in bulk and in the quantities of their choice by filling their own containers in store. Other items such as packaged food and drink, bodycare, household cleaning products, eco-essentials and gifts are available with minimal packaging and from ethical suppliers.

To find out more, visit and follow the store on social media
Facebook: @shopzeronttm
Instagram: @shopzeronttm
X: @shopzeronttm

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