Winning Products in the Supplements & Remedies Category
Winner: A. Vogel Echinaforce
Janyn Tan, Managing Director of A. Vogel, said:
“We are delighted that Echinaforce has been voted the winner in the Best Supplements and Remedies category. We’d like to say a big thank you to all our customers for their continuing support of A. Vogel and our products.”
Highly Commended: DLux3000 vitamin D oral spray
Andrew Thomas, Founder and Managing Director of BetterYou, said:
“It is a real honour for DLux3000 to be recognised by the readers of Your Healthy Living as one of their favourite supplements, an especially important vitamin at this time of year.”
Find out about more winning products in the YHL Product Awards 2013.
The winning products are all available from independent health food stores across the UK.